Mystic Seaport Wooden Boat Show 2022
After a 14 hour drive from Mahone Bay we have a day to recuperate before setting up our 20’ long booth.
Our lodging was a 5 minute walk to the Show.
Built a back wall to host our 40 posters of our local wooden boat builders, wooden boat activities and organizations that celebreate wooden boat heritage.
Displaying the Dory Shops toy dory filled with our handouts and the gifts supplied by participants.
We randomly awarded the gifts to visitors and children.
Information handouts on the table to the left, posters and our Norwegian pram with Ship Yard signs center, toy dory filled with 40 page handouts and gifts inside on the right.
Our Nova Scotia flag flies front and center.
40 posters one for each page of our Wooden Boat Builder handouts.
Dave at the end of a great day setting up the display.
Setup completed, we met many wonderful Wooden Boat enthusiasts.
Peter enjoying a visit from a fellow American wooden boatbuilder.
Bill, if memory serves me correctly is being coached on the appropriate sporran for daytime kilting.
Tim, Bryan and Bill on duty.
Fred McLaughin and Graham McKay representing Lowell’s Boat Shop, America’s oldest boat shop.
Our biggest complement! Fred McLaughlin joins the Heritage Boatyard Co-op.
Teaching 1/2 hull carving.